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A Message from our Pastor

The Diehls

 Born in Cumberland, Maryland, Steve spent many years thinking he was a Christian. Growing up with regular attendance in a large mainline church in Illinois, he had a form of religion but denied the power thereof.  He was among those spoken of in 2 Timothy  3:5,  “They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly”  (NLT).  After being hired as a teacher at a Christian School, he came to understand the need for salvation through Jesus Christ alone. Born again, God turned his head knowledge about Christ into an intimate heart relationship with Him.       


Kristi’s journey was a parallel track (she grew up on a dairy farm in Iowa), and Steve and Kristi were baptized together in a Montana lake. They prayed for the fullness of the Holy Spirit at the altar together a few years later (in response to Eph. 5:18),  and have been serving our Lord together ever since. 


 Ordained to the ministry in 1996, Steve has been in ministry with the C&MA for 30  years.  He completed a Doctor of Ministry Degree in the area of coaching and spiritual formation.  Steve has worked as a summer camp staff member, logger, salesman, research assistant, ranch hand, firefighter, factory worker, soldier USMC veteran), security guard, furniture delivery man, teacher, special education aid, administrator, missionary associate on the field, pastor, dorm parent, adjunct faculty at Simpson University, and church planter. Kristi has been a teacher by profession and is currently working as a substitute teacher. Steve and Kristi enjoy studying the Word of God, teaching, reading, spending time with family, playing guitar and leading worship, outdoor sports and activities, and artistic crafts.   Steve’s passions are in the areas of preaching, teaching & equipping people for ministry, discipleship coaching, evangelism, and writing.

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